February 22, 2019


Building a HTTP monitoring cli appliclation with notifications via Gmail. Due to the multi-role nature of startups, I tend to tackle a lot of the infrastructure and DevOps related tooling and management in addition to my more standard development work. To help monitor all of the various services and to experiment with Golang, I’ve created an easy-to-use CLI application that can send an email if an endpoint returns a non 200 status code. Read more

November 9, 2018

Issa Vibe

Building a music suggesting webapp in barebones Go For some additional background, the team I work with has a weekly Talking Code where one member talks about something they’ve worked on and would like to share with the group. Given my interest in Golang outside of work, I decided to make a web application that would randomly suggest a song given a genre. I also wanted to use as few libraries as possible to hide any package magic. Read more

August 17, 2018

Dynamically passing in ENV vars to Lambda functions created by Cloudformation

Background I’m going to assume you have experience with Lambda, AWS-SAM, and Cloudformation. To start with you should already have a template.yml for Cloudformation that looks alot like this: --- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: AWS template Resources: ApiGatewayApi: Type: AWS::Serverless::Api Properties: StageName: Prod # Allows www.example.com to call these APIs # SAM will automatically add AllowMethods with a list of methods for this API Cors: "'www.example.com'" DefinitionBody: 'Fn::Transform': Name: 'AWS::Include' # Replace <bucket> with your bucket name Parameters: Location: s3://<bucket>/swagger. Read more

June 24, 2018

Creating a Brute Force REST API Password Cracker

Golang Password Cracker Disclaimer All views and opinions expressed in this document are my own and not indicative of my employer’s viewpoints in any regard. Furthermore, this exercise is intended to demonstrate the need for more robust passwords. The created program should not be used for anything malicious. Password Security & Best Practices Krebs Take I’m sure we’ve all seen user accounts with shoddy passwords, to demonstrate how easy it is to gain access to these accounts let’s see if we can brute force their passwords. Read more

March 13, 2018

Create Filter Bar React Redux Reselect

Intro I recently created a filter bar using the popular Reselect and Redux libraries in React. For this post, we’re going to create a filter bar in a standard contacts page, where the contacts will be filtered by individual’s name. Here is an example of how the contacts page will look with the filter. Reducer Setup First we need to create the reducer and the initial state of our application, let’s use Immutable. Read more